
read my stories
Hello guys, welcome to the gureelove blog. I'm Guree. This is actually the very first blog I started, but it has fallen into a sea of many others... Well wondering what this original blog was for? Its not that difficult to figure out! Its for reading the stories that I wrote. Yes, I wrote them, and since I'm not too confident these ones will get published, I'm writing them up in a blog. 

Please don't steal them!

The Blog is pretty self explanatory. You just click on the tab that you need and read the story that is there. I'll post the blog chapter by post, so go to the chapter and it'll go straight to the post. If you guys want to continue reading, I have conveniently placed the next chapter link at the bottom as if you are flipping a page so please click and continue to read! 

I'm sorry if my stories take a while to finish. I am still a student and so I must study as well. I'll work on the stories and all my other blogs as soon as i graduate, so till then? please be patient with me! 

Please enjoy these stories that I wrote and don't be afraid to leave me a comment! Thank you and have a great read!

Always Guree